Monday, June 28, 2010

Hints and Tips for Etsy Photo Taking

Heather of A Glimpse Of Reality was ever so kind to share her hints and tips with us on taking successful photos for your Etsy shop! To view more of Heather's blog click HERE!

A crucial benefit to sales is your item photos. They're the first thing your buyers see, and they represent you as a seller. Quality in your photos is very important and can be the deciding factor in a customer's purchase decision. Here is a list of tips that I would like to offer for anyone struggling with their product photography. I hope it can help fellow Etsians increase views and sales!

• Find your style and stick with a theme. Give your viewers something to identify you with. Try to photo items in a similar manner, as this will also make your shop look well formatted.

• Great ideas for photo backdrops are scrapbook pages, books, maps, wood, ext. However, remember to not let your backgrounds distract from your product. A good idea is to experiment with contrasting colors, and try to find ways to let your product stand out.

• Try using natural sunlight rather than bulbs (especially with jewelry). This helps bring out the accurate colors in your items.

• Use all 5 picture spots for each item you list. Experiments with different angles to show your buyers exactly what they would get from a purchase.

• If you choose to use a model, make sure the product is your focal point of the picture.

1 comment:

  1. This is very handy and thanks for sharing with us!
