What type of artwork do you do?
I am a textile artist. I design and create aprons, dish towels and market totes and plan on adding more in the near future.
How long have you been creating?
I have been creating for as long as I can remember.
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
I approach Curry Kay Designs as a full time job. I probably devote a minimum of 50 hours a week to it-- each week varies, but I'll spend 20 - 50 of those hours actually designing, sewing and printing.
What inspires you to create?
I love 40s - 50s vintage style, cookbooks, clothing patterns and movies. I try to combine that aesthetic with contemporary designs.
Do you have a designing process?
Most of my design process happens in my head. I'll see something that inspires me and think over it for a few hours, a few days or a few weeks. When I feel there is something tangible I doodle (I'm not the best sketch artist). From there I can create a pattern or keep working it into a screen print.
Where do you do your creating?
I'm lucky enough to secure an extra bedroom as my studio. I do my designing, sewing and other crafting there. I also took over half of our unfinished attic for my screen printing. Though in spite of all of that I'm currently spread out in my foyer (more room for yards of fabric!)
Have you always been artsy?
When I was little my mom used to let me draw on squares of bleached muslin that she would sew into pillows. That was my first foray into "textile art". I've always had my hand in some other form of sewing, scrapbooking or crafting.
Do you have another job?
I quit my full time job as an event planner to focus full time on my business. I still do event freelance work, but CKD is my primary focus.
Where do you sell your pieces?
Right now I only sell on Etsy, but I hope to secure consignment accounts and show at fairs in the future.
Do you enjoy what you do?
I LOVE what I do. It's always been a life goal of mine to work for myself, sell online and making a living from creating. It can be scary at times, but to be able to create every day is amazing!
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
Right now I love my Bridget apron in light green with the red cupcake. Click HERE to view.
Do you have a blog or website setup?
I do! I blog daily at www.currykaydesigns.com Curry Kay Designs... Something Lovely for Your Life.
Wow, what a cheerful apron!