How I just love all cats especially my little guy Buckets. Hubby and I rescued him and brought him into our home on a cold rainy day in September when we had found him abandoned. We've had him since he was a little guy. He's now about 3 years old and is happy and oh so loved. Here he is caught off guard during his routine bedtime grooming. I was lucky enough to have been playing around with the camera tonight when I caught this photo of him. So cute he is. Thought I would share a photo with you all. Mommy loves you Buckets ♥
We love Buckets! He's so handsome! We have two rescued cats that we raised from the bottle. Mao Mao is going on 7 and Cha Cha is going on 2 this summer. They are a huge part of our lives and we love them so much!