Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Time For Some More Pink =)

A Cheerful Collection For A Cold Winter's Day

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Been At It Again!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Latest In Digital Collage Sheets

Here is my latest creation just added to my shop this week. Alpha chihuahua 1 inch circles. These adorable chihuahua girls along with pretty pink alphas are perfect for scrapbooking, bottle cap designs and so much more. You can check them out here in my collage section in my shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/SimplyBanners?section_id=5990363
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Pretty Paper Packs

Monday, November 23, 2009
I'm in the mood for Christmas!

By: BubblesVarietyShoppe

By: SimpleShapes

By: Sewenlove
By: brandensams
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Another set of trees for Christmas

Friday, November 13, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Thursday, November 12, 2009
More Paper Packs Added =)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009
Featured Artist of the Month

What type of artwork do you do?
I knit! Mostly hats, scarflettes and headbands. I am always throwing new things in there everyone now and then.
How long have you been creating?
A few years sporadically and a few months consistently.
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
It depends on how much business I am generating. If my shop is busy, I don't stop knitting. If it's slow, sometimes I go days without picking up the needles. (Sad days.)
I love the look of odd colors matched together. Combination's that seem like they would be off, but you can't stop staring. So, I guess just looking at all of the colors of yarn I have and moving them around is inspiring to me.
Do you have a designing process?
If I do, it's haphazard. It mostly involves making a mess of all my supplies.
Where do you do your creating?
In my living room, on the couch!
Have you always been artsy?
I don't know if I've always been artsy, but I've always been crafty. I recently found a stash of about 100 terrifying pipe-cleaner and Styrofoam dolls I made as a youngster.
Do you have another job?
Oh yes, I have a few other jobs. I am a busy bee.
Where do you sell your pieces?
On Etsy and to my friends and family.
I really do. It's both soothing and exhilarating and I just love watching a simple ball of yarn turn into something beautiful.
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
That's a toughy. I think maybe this hat: Click Here To View It turned into something really different than I was expecting, but I still like it. I love that sometimes my own work can surprise me.
Do you have a blog set-up?
No, but that may change soon!
You can see more of Hallie's creations in her Etsy shop Halpal
Monday, October 12, 2009
Just Dance Digital Collage Sheet

I just finished listing my latest collage sheet entitled Just Dance. It features various silhouette images of ballet and gymnastic dance on a pallet of pinks and purples. I hope you like it. You can check it out in my shop here: www.simplybanners.com
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Who Gives Another Hoot =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Who Gives A Hoot =)

Here is the link: www.simplybanners.com
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Looks Like I Did It Again =)

Well lookie here, looks like I was busy again with another Alpha set. I just know I will be making more of these to come. You can check them out by visiting my Etsy shop here. It's filled with one of a kind banners, collage sheets and clipart. I never thought in a million years that one day I would know photoshop as well as I do nor did I know that one day I would grow to love creating computer graphics. I have by darling hubby to thank for teaching me what I know today with my photoshop skills, I think I have may have even surpassed him by now lol
Monday, August 31, 2009
My Latest Addition...

Sunday, August 30, 2009
In A Zebralicious Mood

Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'm So Excited - Freebie Alpha Scrapkit

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Addicted To Collage Sheet Making
I have been busy creating digital collage sheets and boy am I addicted. I have listed so many by now that I need to start making more banners soon. I found these adorable teddy bear clipart and just had to use them in my next collage sheet which is perfect for all your Halloween scrabble pendant jewelry. To take a closer look at these adorable teddy bears dressed up in such adorable Halloween themed costumes, you can check out my listing in my shop here!
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's almost time for back to school fun!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Featured Artist of the Month
This month's featured artist are fellow Etsians Alyssa Krismer and Joslyn Krismer of Arlington Texas. I got a chance to interview them and ask about there beautiful and unique fabric leaves. Here is what they had to say...
What type of art work do you do?
We make modern alternatives to artificial plants by sewing fabric leaves onto hand-wrapped stems. We call them Sweet Leaves and we currently offer them in Branches (large), Twigs (small), and potted plants. Coming soon, sprigs (mini) and wreaths. We can, however, make almost any size or style. We love doing custom orders!
How long have you been creating?
Although we've always loved creating and decorating, we just started creating our Sweet Leaves this year.
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
It really depends on our orders and upcoming shows. It can range from 1-8 hours a day. Luckily we really like to make fabric leaves.
What inspires you to create?
We are definitely inspired by nature, beautiful decorating and design as well as fabric, fabric, fabric.
Do you have a designing process?
Our designing process usually begins with an inspiring fabric print. From there we start our assembly line process of cutting, sewing and wrapping. We love designing custom orders. It is such a challenge and rewarding experience to produce the perfect accent piece for someone's home decor.
Where do you do your creating?
We both work from our kitchen tables "for now"
Have you always been artsy?
Most definitely!
Do you have another job?
I Alyssa stay at home with my two little boys, while Joslyn works at The University of Texas in Arlington.
Where do you sell your pieces?
Currently we sell on Etsy and a funky, adorable gift shop in The Coffee Haus Downtown in Arlington.
We really do LOVE everything about designing, making and selling of our Sweet Leaves. It gives us a creative outlet and a huge sense of pride and accomplishment as well as an ippurtunity to meet some friends along the way.
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
Our favorite piece has to be the Garden Green Branches. Our very first Sweet Leaves were made using this beautiful Braemore decorator fabric. The color and pattern go so well with pratically any decor. Unfortunately, we can't find the fabric anymore. We will be sad when the last of it is gone!
See more of JaneJoss creations in there Etsy shop janejoss
I fell in love with their shop so much that I just had to treat myself to their gorgeous garden green branch set. One word sums it all up beautiful!
Monday, July 27, 2009
On A Roll Today

Fur Baby Claudius

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Featured Artist of the Month

This month's featured artist is fellow Etsian variation of Bay Area California. I got a chance to interview her and ask her about her beautiful collection of bead dolls. Here is what she had to say...
What type of art work do you do?
For now I'm working with beads, but I also sew, knit, crochet, make collages, some bookbinding and letterpress,
metalsmithing, graphic design and animation. I'm always trying new things. I love to experiment and combine skills.
How long have you been creating?
Since I first begged my mom to teach me to sew clothes for my Cabbage Patch Kid dolls in the 1980s...
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
It fluctuates -- sometimes as little as an hour or two a week, and sometimes as much as 15 hours a week. I have a full-time job to pay the bills, so that, unfortunately, takes priority.
What inspires you to create?
The amazing work I see from other artists and crafters, past and present, across all mediums. Anything that makes me say, "I want to be a part of that!" The community that comes with sharing your work and learning from fellow artists. Nature, culture, science. Travel. Even the seemingly mundane things around me. All of this informs and inspires my work, and drives me to create!
Do you have a designing process?
I totally make it up as I go along! I just start dabbling with materials, become totally absorbed for a few hours, and voila! Not everything I make is successful, and sometimes I have to abandon things and start over. But in the back of my mind, I'm always thinking about my projects, whether consciously or not.
Where do you do your creating?
In the comfort of my home sweet home.
Have you always been artsy?
Yes and no. There have been periods in my life when my "artsy" side remained dormant because of school, work, or other obligations. This is when I'm the least happy.
Do you have another job?
I do. I work in the tech industry.
Where do you sell your pieces?
Just for now I sell my beaded dolls on Etsy.
Absolutely. I love it!
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
Hmmm...the doll in the center of my shop banner. She's like a mascot, in a way. Since my shop is evolving, I will probably have new favorites frequently.
You can see more of variations creations in her Etsy shop Variations
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Some new items added!

You can find my labels, banners and avatars in my Etsy shop here: simplybanners.etsy.com
Argh! You call this glue!

I will never, ever buy this type of glue again. I desperately would love to finish my cards without having my paper popping off. So if anyone has any good glues they would like to recommend please feel free to comment your favorite type. I've tried using the liquid glue as it seems to stick the best. Unfortunately when I tried that type it made my paper pretty icky looking with the final result!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Featured Artist of the Month
This month's featured artist is Carrie Murtha of Lexington Kentucky. I got a chance to interview her and ask her about her beautiful collection of unique handmade gifts. Here is what she had to say...
What type of art work do you do?
One-of-a-kind paper-clay animal art dolls.
How long have you been creating?
Ever since i first got my hands on a pack of crayons. As a child, I was always "making things", entering art contests, and taking classes.
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
I spend many, many hours each day crafting.
What inspires you to create?
I feel an innate need to create constantly. It's like eating or sleeping for me...I have to do it. Many things inspire my work....nature, animals, seasons and holidays, vibrant colors, flea market finds, retro toys....
Do you have a designing process?
My process is very organic. I don't do preliminary sketches. My sculptured dolls just sort of evolve as I go.
Where do you do your creating?
I have a bright, sunny room upstairs in my house where I do most of my creating. I also rent a studio room with some other artists here in Lexington.
Have you always been artsy?
ALWAYS!! Growing up, I took lots of classes....pastel, drawing, photography, painting, etc. Then I discovered paper-clay in my 20s and fell in love with it. I have been making my animal art dolls ever since.
Do you have another job?
I quit my job a few months ago when we moved from Atlanta to KY, so now I am trying to make it as an artist full time an exciting and daunting task! I consider my other "job" my cat rescue volunteer work.
Where do you sell your pieces?
Etsy, SpookyTime Jingles, Pfatt Marketplace and at a local KY gallery.
Absolutely! It can be challenging at times, but I am extremely grateful to get to be imaginative and creative every day!
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
I would have to say my favorite piece is this piece... Click Here To View I was really pleased when I finished this piece. I loved incorporating an antique clock frame into my artwork. It looks like a little theater, so it feels very magical and fun.
Do you have a blog set-up?
I love blogging and meeting other creative bloggers! Mine is The SnipPet Girl Talks Art and Animals: www.snippetgirl.com
You can see more of Carrie's creations in her Etsy shop TheSnippets
Monday, March 23, 2009
Featured Artist of the Month
This month's featured artist is Lori Storrs of McHenry Mississippi. I got a chance to interview her and ask her about her beautiful collection of handmade mosaics. Here is what she had to say...
What type of art work do you do?
Lately I've been focusing on mosaic work, but I'm quite the dabbler. I take mini-vacations from my mosaic work and paint, draw with graphite or pen and ink, collage and occasionally throw in a little mixed media to shake things up a bit. I've recently begun to do a little bead work here and there, and also crocheted scarves chock-full of handmade gifts for Christmas! So far, I haven't met a craft or art form that I haven't loved. Most of the time I'm completely enamored.
How long have you been creating?
For as long as I can remember, and my family tells me I was creating before then. I just got into mosaics a few years ago, and before that it was mostly drawing and painting.
How much time do you spend working on your craft?
Not nearly enough to keep me satisfied! It's hard finding that balance between having a full-time job and a having a full-time passion. When you throw in a family and household obligations, it can be next to impossible to find the time to work on anything that can be seen as less than necessity. When you have a driven need to create, you make time. I would estimate I'm able to make about 20 hours a week of actual studio work time, in addition to countless hours made up of 15 minutes here and 20 minutes there of networking, promoting, researching, designing, daydreaming and planning. When I'm not working on my art, I'm thinking about working on my art.
What inspires you to create?
Everything. Sometimes I'm surprised by it; sometimes I'm completely blindsided. It can be a mood, a song, a smell, an object in the sun and the way the light hits it. It can be a brainstorm or fleeting thought, which is why a small camera and sketchbook go wherever I go. Sometimes inspiration is more elusive, or may even refuse to come at all. Those are the times you've got to dig in your heals, dig out your sketchbook, and dig up your previous ideas. If an artist waited for the inspiration to create, they may just miss out on a whole lot of creating!
Do you have a designing process?
It's hit or miss, depending on how much time I have. I usually sketch out the rough idea and try to get my color scheme and any design issues worked out before I begin. Sometimes I do a little research on my subject matter ahead of time to familiarize myself a bit more, and other times I dive right in and work out any issues as they come along.
Where do you do your creating?
I do most of my work in my studio, which is actually one end of my really long bedroom. I do as much work as I can outside, because I'd rather be out there than inside. When it's cold or rainy, I grout on the kitchen counter because it's across from the sink but also next to the back door where I can empty my water bucket.
Have you always been artsy?
Always. It was a little strange, because I was the only artsy individual in my family, and still am for the most part. I remember being very young when my grandmother would take my crayons away for coloring outside of the lines. I also remember her mother, my nanny, winking at me as she gave them back and saying to her "Now Arlene, that's child's got fire in her, you quit tryin to put it out!"
Do you have another job?
I'm also the office manager at an engineering firm. I'm the token right-brained thinker surrounded by a host of left-brained, statistic speaking, number crunching individuals who regularly greet me with one raised eyebrow and the skeptical look on their face that says "I have no idea what you're going to do next, but I'm willing to bet that I'm not going to understand it at all." I'm okay with that.
Where do you sell your pieces?
I sell them online in my Etsy shop, and will soon be selling them in my ArtFire shop . I also sell my work at a coffee shop and gift gallery in nearby Wiggins, Mississippi, called the Mocha Giraffe, and do a few art festivals and craft shows here and there.
I LOVE what I do, and I hope to be able to do it full-time one day. Creating makes me happy, makes me whole, makes me a better person. What's not to love about that?
Do you have a favorite piece in your shop?
That's a tough call, because I don't sell anything that I don't truly love and would enjoy having in my own home. Since I have to choose one, I'd probably go with this one... Click Here To View because it's different. I hadn't done anything like that one before, and haven't really done anything like that since, now that I think about it.
Do you have a blog set-up?
I do, www.dirtylowdown.com I originally started my blog as a way to promote my artwork and show works in progress, but it quickly evolved into a way for me to showcase other artists and their work, and a way to let them know I appreciate them and why.
You can see more of Lori's creations in her Etsy shop dirtroadsouth
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I'm in the mood for spring, are you?
Check out these Etsians wonderful shops for some spring inspiration ♥

By: ClackamasCrochetChic

By: lanedesigns

By: KittyKatCards